June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month Promoting Early Detection

Joseph Spine supports the Scoliosis Research Society as the promote the growing need for education, early detection and awareness to the public about scoliosis and its prevalence within the community.

Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to abnormally curve sideways, into an “S” or “C” shape. Although many people have not heard of the condition it is surprisingly common, impacting infants, adolescents, and adults of all races, classes and both genders. Approximately one out of every six children diagnosed with scoliosis will have a curve that requires active treatment, sometimes involving surgery. Early diagnosis is the key to taking important first steps to providing treatment that may prevent more serious problems.

National Scoliosis Awareness Month Campaign Objectives:

  • Using the results from the BrAIST Study, highlight the importance of early detection and the effectiveness of bracing as early, non-operative care. Read more on the BrAIST study results.
  • To have every state, district, and commonwealth to officially declare by proclamation their observance of National Scoliosis Awareness Month during the month of June.
  • Increase public awareness of scoliosis and related spinal deformities through educational and advocacy campaigns of local activities, and community events during the month of June and throughout the year
  • Unite scoliosis patients, families, physicians, and clinicians in a collaborative partnership that educate, and advocate, for patient care, patient screening, patient privacy, and patient protection
  • Build networks of community collaborations and alliances to help sustain and grow the campaign

Joseph Spine will be highlighting resources, studies, treatments, and organizations in order to help patients with scoliosis be informed about early detection, treatments and connect scoliosis patients with others that can support them during treatment.

About Joseph Spine

Joseph Spine is an advanced center for spine, scoliosis and minimally invasive surgery. Founded by Dr. Samuel A. Joseph, a fellowship trained, board-certified orthopedic surgeon. His practice includes the specialized, conservative, and surgical care of patients. Treatment includes therapeutic injections, disc replacement surgery, minimally invasive techniques, and complex reconstruction of adult and pediatric spinal disorders. Dr. Joseph is also among a select group of surgeons to offer cutting-edge regenerative injection therapy.

Robotic Assisted Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

In this blog post Dr. Joseph will review how minimally invasive spine surgery using Mazor X robotic technology can help people who are diagnosed with serious spine problems or complications that have not responded to medication, physical therapy or spinal injections.

Bringing State of the Art Spine Technology to Tampa Bay

Joseph Spine brings this state-of-the-art technology to our patients and offers a transformative leap forward in spinal surgery. Mazor X maximizes surgical predictability and allows surgeons to achieve greater precision for optimal patient benefit.

As with other robotic surgical devices, Mazor X does not perform actual surgeries. Instead it provides surgeons with information and anatomical images of the patient’s spine. In the operating room using Mazor X robotic-assisted technology, the blueprint guides surgeons through the operation with more accuracy and efficiency.
Mazor X incudes three integrated processes – Planning, Guidance, Verification – to assure greater predictability and precision during your procedure.

Mazor X Surgical Assurance Platform

The Core of the Surgical Assurance Platform is an innovative set of planning and guidance tools indicated for implant and instrument positioning in spine surgery.

Stage 1 – Planning Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery

The Mazor X system’s 3D planning software is used to create a comprehensive surgical plan as part of a total patient treatment strategy.

A pre-op CT scan of the patient is uploaded to the Mazor X software for planning and then two fluoro shots are taken intra-operatively to register.
A Mazor X Scan & Plan procedure utilizes an intra-op 3D imaging system, such as Medtronic’s O-arm, eliminating the need for a intra-op CT.

Stage 2 – Operate with Mazor X

The Mazor X Surgical System is attached to both the OR bed and the patient. With the surgeon in full control, the Surgical Arm guides the tools according to the surgical plan.
The Surgical Arm’s reach and range of motion allows for posterior instrumentation from a variety of different trajectories. Minimally-invasive spine surgery using Mazor X robotic technology can help people who are diagnosed with serious spine problems or complications that have not responded to medication, physical therapy or spinal injections.

Conditions include:

  • Vertebral fractures
  • Traumatic spine injury
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal weakness or instability
  • “Slipped disc” (Spondylolisthesis)
  • Narrowing of spinal canal (Stenosis)
  • Adult degenerative spinal deformity (Scoliosis, kyphosis)
  • Revision Surgeries

Patients with these conditions often suffer with debilitating symptoms like:

  • Low back pain
  • Leg pain
  • Sciatica
  • Uneven legs, hips or shoulders
  • Abnormal gait
  • Breathing difficulties when the rib cage puts pressure on the lungs
  • The benefits of robotic spine surgery

Compared to traditional spine surgery, Mazor X robotic technology can:

  •  Increase surgical accuracy and help preserve surrounding healthy tissue
  • Allow surgeons to more accurately place hardware during the procedure, thus lowering the risk of complications
  • Reduce the risk of exposure to radiation from imaging scans
  • Improve recovery time due to less time in the operating room and while under anesthesia
  • Reduce pain after the surgery for a quicker return to daily activities

To learn more about Mazor X or to schedule an appointment, contact our office or request an appointment online at JosephSpine.com.

Joseph Spine Proudly Sponsors 2018 Walk for Wishes – Tampa Bay

Join, us, Team Joseph Spine, as we walk and fundraise for this year’s Walk For Wishes at Water Works Park in Tampa on Saturday, April 28, 2018.  Together, we can raise money for Make-A-Wish to help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses.

Walk For Wishes is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 285,000 wishes that have already been granted, while raising funds for future wishes. It’s a family-friendly event powered by wish families, volunteers, donors and friends.

You can participate by registering to walk or or you can donate to a walker or a team. Below is some general information about the walk. You can also visit Make-A-Wish’s sub site Walk for Wishes for more information.

Event Date: Apr 28, 2018- 8:30am 

Event Location: Water Works Park 

Event Address:  1710 N. Highland Ave. Tampa, FL 33602

Registration Fees:  Adults: $20, Children 8 and under: Free

T-Shirt information: All registered participants receive an official Walk For Wishes t-shirt. Deadline to register to receive a t-shirt is April 15, 2018.          

Event Schedule: Registration 8:30am | Event 9:30am 

Event Start Time:  8:30am

Event End Time:  11:00am

Length of Walk:  3 miles

Parking Info:  TBA

Are Pets Allowed? Yes        

Route Map: TBA

Last year, Make-A-Wish granted more than 15,000 wishes nationwide – that’s one every 34 minutes. Make-A-Wish is dedicated to making every eligible child’s wish come true and they need all of the community support we can offer– fundraise with us today and you can be a big part of making that happen.

Joseph Spine Founding Year Anniversary

We are celebrating our one year anniversary at Joseph Spine, PA of Tampa. Looking back over the year we reflect on spine technology and advanced spine medicine to our patients. We also want to thank our patients, colleagues, and community for a year of great support.

Some of the things we celebrated were the first stem cell procedures for the spine, acquiring the Mazor X, robotic spine surgery and Dr. Samuel Joseph being selected as the spine surgeon for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. We look forward to continuing advanced spine care, as well as participate in the Make A Wish and the Butterfly Foundations.

Dr. Samuel A. Joseph Jr. Selected “Tampa Bay’s Top Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon”

Dr. Samuel Joseph, Jr., of Tampa, FL has been honored with the recognition of Tampa Magazine’s Top Doctors, in the category of Orthopaedic Surgery of the Spine.

The doctors selected for Tampa Bay’s Top Doctors have been rated by their peers as doctors with the highest level of ethical standards and professional excellence.

“I am and always have been proud to be a spine surgeon which allows me to help people that have been in a lot of pain,” said Dr. Joseph. “To be able to help my patients that have suffered gives me a great deal of satisfaction. It is a great honor that this recognition of my work comes from the ratings of my peers.”

Dr. Joseph is a board certified, fellowship-trained, orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in advanced spine care. He is the founder of Joseph Spine Advanced Center for Spine, Scoliosis, and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.

Dr. Samuel Joseph offers the latest technological treatment advances for spine care making Joseph Spine, a comprehensive, multidisciplinary spine care institute designed to create better outcomes for spine and back patients regionally, nationally and internationally.

Dr. Joseph and his family are active members of the Tampa Bay community. They have taken a special interest in the Make a Wish Foundation and its goal of granting wishes and making life better for kids with life-threatening medical conditions. He also lends his time to the Butterfly Foundation, which brings deformity focused spine surgeons and comprehensive teams to developing countries to teach local spine surgeons through didactics, workshops, and surgery on local patients.

State-of-the-Art Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery Now Offered by Dr. Samuel Joseph of Joseph Spine Center in Tampa Florida

Tampa, FL November 9, 2017 – Dr. Samuel Joseph, founder of Joseph Spine, will be one of a select group of spine surgeons globally that now offers minimally invasive spine surgery through the Mazor X Robotics Guidance System.

This next generation, revolutionary technology enables Dr. Joseph to perform safer and more accurate spine surgeries. For our patients, this means better clinical outcomes with less pain and fewer complications, enabling a faster recovery and return to daily activities.

Planning and Implantation of Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery

Surgical treatment of the spine requires planning and precision, and each patient’s anatomy has unique challenges. Surgery with Mazor X Robotics’ guidance system enables Dr. Joseph to plan ahead before entering the operating room. During surgery, it guides him according to the preoperative plan that was created.

Dr. Joseph will use this advanced 3D planning software before surgery to create a unique surgical blueprint, which is the ideal surgery for each patient’s condition. During surgery, Dr. Joseph does the actual work; the Mazor X Robotics systems guides his tools according to the surgical blueprint to place the implants safely, and with the highest level of accuracy in the exact preplanned locations. And since there is no need for additional X-rays during surgery, there is less exposure to radiation than with other surgical treatments.

Benefits to Dr. Joseph’s Spine Patients

Mazor X Robotics Guidance System is transforming spine surgery by advancing surgical techniques from freehand methods to state-of-the-art, minimally invasive guided procedures. Minimally-invasive surgery with Mazor X Robotics technology offers the following benefits to patients:

  1. Increases accuracy
  2. Lowers complication rates
  3. Reduces postoperative pain
  4. Enables faster recovery and return to daily activities

How safe is this technology?

The Mazor X Robotics Guidance System is powered by Mazor X Robotics clinically proven technology — used in thousands of surgeries worldwide, including placement of tens of thousands of implants. Like all Mazor X Robotics systems, it strictly adheres to international standards and has received FDA clearance in the USA and the European CE Mark.

6 Smart Year-End Tips to Maximize Your 2017 Health Insurance Benefits

Take steps to ensure you are utilizing all your benefits and money set aside in 2017 for your healthcare expenses. Use those benefits or lose them when the new year rings in.

The end of the year is approaching quickly. Now is the time to ensure you maximize your medical insurance benefits. The annual deductible you’ve been paying on all year is about to reset January 1 and your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) most likely will not rollover to the next year, you may lose that money altogether.

Here are some tips to avoid leaving money on the table this year.

Make the most of your deductibles.

Deductibles are becoming more prevalent and more expensive with each passing year. A deductible is a set amount of money that you’re required to pay each year toward your medical expenses. This is before your insurance policy starts to cover your bills. At the beginning of each year, it starts at zero and all eligible medical expenses go toward your deductible until it has been reached.

Once you have met your deductible for the current year. Your insurance company will cover the majority of your medical expenses. You pay a copay or coinsurance.

If you’ve met your annual deductible for 2017, now may be a good time to schedule any medical treatment you’ve been delaying.


Understand what types of deductibles your insurance policy has.

There are several different types of deductibles insurers may offer. For example, if your health insurance policy covers your entire family, it likely comes with a family deductible. Family deductibles work differently than individual deductibles and you may have met your deductible via other family members medical services this year. Contact your insurer with any questions and to confirm if your deductibles have been met.


Schedule your doctor’s appointments and tests now.

The holiday season is beginning and it may be difficult to be seen if you procrastinate making a doctors appointment. Doctor’s schedules are getting tight as year-end approaches. Waiting too long to schedule an appointment during this busy time may make it difficult to get treatment in 2017.

The earlier you contact your medical provider for treatment the more likely they will be able to accommodate you before year-end.


Make sure your insurance company has an accurate record of all medical expenses for the year.

It should be easy to determine whether you’ve met your deductible for the year. But there usually is a lag time, sometimes months long, between the time your doctor submits a claim and your insurance company processes it. You and your insurer may not have the same information in regard to how much you’ve spent during this benefit year. Make sure your insurance company has current and accurate information.


Use all of your existing FSA contributions.

If you set up a flexible spending account, or FSA, through your employer as a supplemental benefit to your health insurance, you were able to contribute pre-tax money to it each year and use that money for qualifying health expenses. Check your balance now to know how much you have left. Even if you have more deductible your FSA may help you reach the deductible.

Unlike Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, which allow you to roll over pretax dollar savings from one year to the next, FSAs do not. Typically you need to fully spend the account by year’s end or you’ll lose the money left over.


Contact your insurance provider to make an informed decision.

When it comes to medical procedures and services cost can be a major concern. However, your next procedure may end up being far more affordable than you ever imagined. Informed decisions when utilizing your healthcare benefits may save you a tremendous amount of money. Be sure to contact your insurance provider to make an informed decision about affordable healthcare options for you and your family.

Please feel free to contact us at Joseph Spine with any questions about your spine healthcare that may benefit from an end-of-year treatment or service. The earlier you contact our office for an appointment or procedure the more likely we can accommodate you before years end.

Dr. Joseph Spine Surgeon Tampa Bay Bucs

Dr. Samuel Joseph Spine Surgeon Chosen To Serve Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Described as “steadfast and dedicated” for his service to his spine patients, as well as, his humanitarian services to the Make a Wish Foundation, the Butterfly Foundation, and teaching his Minimally Invasive Techniques throughout the world, Dr. Samuel Joseph, of Joseph Spine, has been chosen as the team Spine Surgeon for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

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