L. B. I’m walking in sunshine. Full Story

12 Mar 2016

Dr. Joseph is truly a God sent. From the beginning, I felt good about him. When he came in to talk to me and my husband he talked to us NOT at us.

He started to explain the damage to my spine, and as he was talking  he showed us on the X-ray what damage was there, and what he would do if he did the surgery. Then he stopped talking and asked us if we had any questions. Right away I was ready to have the surgery and scheduled it that day.

I have no regrets to this day. From Nancy being there to help when I call to Sara at the medical center, the staff was great, and I talk about Dr. Joesph  all time about what he did for me.

I started having back pain after a fall at work .I didn’t think much about it until ,one I was walking down the hallway and had a sharp pain in my back, it was like someone was sticking nails all over my back, to the point I had to stop and just sit on the floor the pain would run down my right leg down to my foot .I couldn’t do anything anymore, simple things that I was used to doing became a chore. My life changed dramatically.

All the doctors I saw were talking about surgery, but I didn’t feel good about having the surgery. They did talk about my bulging disc, swelling in the L3, L4,L5 ,S1 etc.

I have a very good Pain Management Doctor who said, “the injections weren’t  doing me any good, and I should think about having the surgery”. I was afraid, and my knees was affected (swelling, warm to touch, hurting when I stand ,bend or sit ) I was unable to go shopping or ride in a car for long periods of time.

I can go shopping , walk on the beach, and by the time you get to read this I will be going on a cruise (smile)!

Oh,  I didn’t have to have Physical Therapy. I have Two small incisions on my lower back (yes that’s it) and I have a small cage inside. I feel great !!!!

Dr. Joseph,  Thank you, and may God continue to bless you. I’m  walking in sunshine.

